Rancho Sordo Mundo (Picture Albums) founded in 1969 as a Christian School for deaf children in Mexico. The ranch sits on 500 acres of land in the Valle de Guadalupe, about 20 miles east of Ensenada. Rancho Sordo Mundo was founded by Ed and Margaret Everett, who answered the call to become missionaries, packed up their family of six children, converted a school bus into a poor man’s Winnebago, and after saying goodbye to North Carolina, made the journey to Ensenada Mexico. There they founded and built a home and school for nearly six hundred deaf children who over the years have lived at the ranch. Their mission was to not only provide a language and education to these children, but to expose them to the love of Jesus Christ. Their ministry is a faith based ministry, which means they have never solicited for funds, but have relied totally on God to bring people with the hearts and resources to meet their needs. To date, three generations of the Everett family carried on the work started in 1969.
Strong Tower Ministries, Inc., believed that the ranch delivered a powerful message of hope and inspiration to everyone seeking to serve God that we partnered with Rancho Sordo Mundo and Gratis7 Media in 2007 to produce a major motion picture documentary film version of their story. The film, titled “Hearing Everett” told the story of this ministry, seen through the eyes of Everett’s sons, Luke and Eddie Everett. The goal was to tell the story of how God could take an ordinary man living in North Carolina and lead him into Mexico to minister to the needs of deaf children in Mexico, one of the most overlooked and neglected groups falling victim in that society. The documentary project was completed and released in 2008 with a story that inspires young and old alike, motivating them to find God’s purpose for their lives and empowering them to have the courage to step out in faith and fulfill it.
A study guide with video shorts accompany the film, which allows viewers to begin a 4-6 week individual or small group series. The curriculum develops scriptural principals illustrated in the film, which moves the “bystander” to “participant”. It also addresses questions like “Does God have a plan for my life”, “How do I recognize and prepare for it?” “What can I expect if I step out in Faith and be willing to be used by God?”
Hearing Everett has been seen in theaters and churches all across the United States and has inspired many people into full time ministry, go on a first time serving trip abroad, or engage in reaching out to their next door neighbor.
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Strong Tower Ministries (USA & Mexico nonprofit)